Tang Ting Twinning Association
Twinning Debden & Wimbish, UK, with Tang Ting, Nepal

The Tang Ting Twinning Association (TTTA) is a registered Charity (No. 1130073) and was set up to raise funds for distribution to the village of Tang Ting and surrounding areas in Nepal. TTTA works closely with, and is supported by, the Tang Ting Community UK (TTC UK), an association set-up for the Nepalese originating from Tang Ting now living in the UK.

Request for sponsorships
Request for sponsorships for needy students in Madi-2, Kaskiarea.The TTTA has received a request for sponsorship for the childrenwho could not continue with their education, due to the parents notbeing able to pay the new charges.We have received very welcome sponsorship offers from people inDebden and Wimbish, however, not enough to cover all thechildren who need sponsoring. How to choose which child is leftout will have to be an awful task for the School in Tang Ting.The loss of the prospect of an education, which will be their onlyhope of a future and escape from outright poverty, will bedevastating for…

Tang Ting Update
The TTTA has received the following update from Tang Ting:News has been received that the monsoons have washed awaylarge parts of the road to the village. Due to this situation, there wasconcern that there could be a delay in the much-needed medicinethe charity provides. Fortunately, the Nepalese community fromTang Ting, who live in Pokhara, managed to arrange to get peopleto walk up to the village to deliver the medicine. As this took me awhole day it is not an inconsiderable distance. The Nepalesecomplete this in a shorter time but, it is still an arduous task. Therewas much relief when it…

TTTA website update
The Tang Ting Twinning Association (TTTA) is a registered Charity (No. 1130073) and was set up to raise funds for distribution to the village of Tang Ting and surrounding areas in Nepal. TTTA works closely with, and is supported by, the Tang Ting Community UK (TTC UK), an association set-up for the Nepalese originating from Tang Ting now living in the UK. In addition to the village of Tang Ting, TTTA also supports a number of other villages in Nepal and makes donations to The Thalassemia Clinic in Kathmandu, the Siddhi Memorial Hospital in Baktapur, the Deaf Society in Pokhara…

November 2022
The Tang Ting Twinning Association (TTTA) may have seemed to have disappeared but, with the onset of the Covid lockdowns and the restrictions involved, our normal sources of funding i.e. fetes, local fayres, social events etc. were not available to us. Nevertheless, due to the generosity of many of our supporters’ funds continued, albeit at a much-reduced rate. This enabled us to carry out our commitments to the Day Care Centre for the children in Tang Ting, the Thalassemia Clinic in Kathmandu, the Siddhi Memorial Hospital in Baktapur, the Deaf Society in Pokhara and the medical supplies for the poor…
The Tang Ting Twinning Association aims to promote friendship and co-operation between the communities of Debden, Debden Green and Wimbish in the UK, and of Tang Ting in Nepal, to the benefit of all of our citizens.